
All these years as a teacher I've learnt that unless another teacher helps you, there are some problems you can not solve.

This idea triggered this blog, teachers working with teachers. All of us helping each other.

Please, join us!! Let's help each other!!

viernes, 4 de diciembre de 2015

Attention Getters!


Has it ever happen to you that your class is so immerse in their own conversation that they don't even notice that you are there?

Today I'll give you some tricks that worked with my class. Don't be shy, try them out!!

1. Avoid shouting, at all!!
Rising your voice does not imply shouting. Be careful, not only because it sounds sounds aggressive, but also because you are little by little damaging your vocal folds.

2. The old and classic.
(teacher) 1, 2, 3, Silence please
(students) 3, 2, 1, Silence now!

3. It's a kind of magic!!!
(teacher) Hocus Pocus
(students) Everybody focus

(teacher) Abra
(students) Cadabra!

4. Sing along
(teacher) Bong, bong, bong (loud)
(students) <repeat>
(teacher) Ma, ma, ma (Very loud)
(students) <repeat>
(teacher) Plin, plin, plin (super loud)
(students) <repeat>
(teacher) Bong, bong, bong (Soft)
(students) <repeat>
(teacher) Ma, ma, ma (Softer)
(students) <repeat>
(teacher) Plin, plin, plin (almost inaudible)
(students) <repeat>

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